28 November 2007

A Thank You Post

I've been really awful at sending thank-you cards lately, and I've got plenty of reasons to do so. So many friends and family members have been thoughtful in little and massive ways, and I rarely show my appreciation in earnest.

Today I thought I'd send a brief thank-you to Bonnie for an extremely helpful tool I needed for baking. As someone she and I both know would say, "there's cake in your future." Well, cookies, scones, treacle, and much more included as well.

Gracious me!
(Bubuck's picture included as a laugh because he has the same expression I tend to have in many photos.)


Anonymous said...

Hey Cath
What a cute kitty. Who does he belong too? Sandy

Catherine said...

He's Bonnie's oldest of three...and one of the nicest cats ever.

Anonymous said...

Aaawww, Bubuck is such a smoosh muffin.

And speaking of muffins...


Anonymous said...

How does she get her cats to get along. Hannah is bringing her cat Homer home and he does not get along with Itchy.

Catherine said...

They are really good with cats, and each one was brought home as kittens. Bubuck welcomed the other two with open paws, and the youngest, Chubby, was slightly aggressive at first but somehow they are all fine with each other now. Sometimes it just takes a little time.

Anonymous said...

What a great choice cats less trouble than kids. And they are fun too. Great expressions. They really do love you but don't express themselves as well as dogs do. But they are much easier than dogs too.

Anonymous said...

The picture of the cat and dog sleeping together on one of your older blogs looks just like mine. Itchy and Max.I have that picture on my desk top. They look so peaceful. Itchy was scared of him at first but now they are best buddies. You should see them snuggle up to the fire when it is cold out. Funny.

Anonymous said...

he's my little meeun.

Marie said...

The Itchy and Scratchy Show!

I couldn't resist.

Yes, my cats Max and Isabel don't really get along that well...but I blame that on Isabel. She has PMS from time to time.