I try to enjoy myself when I go out, and not worry unduly about the cost of things. For the most part I've succeeded. Like anyone with a healthy view of their personal finances, though, some things just stick out like a sore thumb, and put at least a slight damper on the good times.
Yesterday I had brunch at Brick Cafe in Astoria. Brunch is one of those luxuries I happen to love, and Brick does a good job of it. I had the french toast with strawberry syrup (there's real strawberries involved - that's a plus), and it was lovely. My friends had no complaints about their omelets and french toasts, and we spent a long, happy time sitting out the ubiquitous rain showers. I'm still glad I went, wouldn't change a moment of it, but -
Why, why do they have to charge 3 BUCKS for a cup of tea? It was a bag of Stash Earl Grey next to a small cup of hot water, and it did taste nice, but COME ON!!! A box of 20 might cost $4 tops, so the margin of profit was astronomical, and for what? I could have splurged for a pot at Himalayan right down the block.
It's just the principle of the thing, and it's certainly not a unique issue to Brick. So many of these cafes/lounges are charging way too much for such an item. Maybe if the tea bag got up and sang Swanee River for me I'd feel better about shelling out $3, and then I'd feel even more inclined to plunge it into hot water. People. Be reasonable. Don't make me cringe when I come into your establishment to relax and have a nice meal with friends. Bring it down to $2, at least, and I'll feel more inclined to visit regularly, and write something a little nicer. Thank you.
Yes Cathy, I agree. The outrageous pricing of tea in today's establishments leave us no choice but to forgo having tea in our brunches! I like Fifi's idea of smuggling our own tea bags! It's just too bad...I hope someone reads this...
I agree. Three bucks for hot water and a tea bag is outrageous. That's a flippin ripoff. I say ask them next time if you can have just hot water and bring your own bag. If you're ordering food anyway, they shouldn't mind....
Hi Cathy
Just checking in and waiting for you to update your blog. Tell Bonnie I sent her a e-mail to thank her for her call. Hope to see everybody soon. Miss you guys bunches. Aunt sandy
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