I recently renewed my subscription to this magazine, and I'm glad I did. It is designed for tea lovers, and even the pages smell fantastic! The most recent issue features the only tea garden in England, which is quite extraordinary. I'm going to have to visit the garden next time I'm over there. There was also a recipe for chai, tea book reviews, an article about Serendipitea (see my links), and tea poetry. I'm sure most tea lovers know about this magazine, but if not, now you know.
I really can't be bothered with other magazine subscriptions. Although the glossies are appealing, I wouldn't want to receive any of them regularly. Sometimes I spend my lunch hour in Barnes and Noble with a cup of tea or hot cocoa and a stack of mags to look through. (It's not freeloading - I'm buying the drink! For goodness' sake.) Besides, once I look through the recent mags, that's it, I don't want to see them again. The only time I really want to buy them is before boarding a plane. I can't concentrate on a book when I'm in the air, and the light and mindless reading of Vogue, Bazaar, Elle, whatever, is just the thing to keep me calm. Sometimes I buy magazines in London when I'm there because of all the freebie attachments that one would not find in American mags. Cheap thrills!
Of course, (and I think I've written about this before but it merits a repeat mention) Victoria magazine was the best, and I still miss it. There were always articles on tea, but there was so much more. Rest in peace, Victoria, and if anyone wants to perform a periodical resurrection, I'm all for it.
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